Dear Members
Thank you for your ongoing CAMM GOLF DAY support + patience.
Just a courtesy reminder that this years revised date is Sept 19+ that everything booked for 2020 has been moved forward to this years date.
We are hoping for our “normal” day at this time but of course COVID protocols including the border situation are the deciding factors.
I suggest that if you are currently registered for the upcoming Golf Day please continue to watch the border situation as we cannot have our “normal” day without an open
border as several of our members/supporters are US based.
A final decision will be made in mid Aug regarding Sept 19.
If we are unable to play “normal” on Sept 19we will have a revised separate registration Golf Day same as last years fun event.
We will move everything booked to date to June 2022.
Please note a few golf + golf hole opportunities remain at this time if interested.
Please note that we welcome + encourage Automate Canada members to participate!
Once again our intention is to have a full event Sept 19
Thank you again for your ongoing support + understanding!