C2R2 has launched Quick Train Canada, offering microcredentials from select accredited institutions across Canada targeted at upgrading skills in crucial sectors targeted at Canada’s low-carbon economy.
HAMILTON — Canadians from coast to coast to coast can now access fully funded microcredentials to help to increase skills and competencies and prepare them to meet the needs of Canada’s shifting economy.
On Feb. 22, the Government of Canada announced it is investing $46.5M in Canadian Colleges for a Resilient Recovery (C2R2), a coalition led by Mohawk College of Applied Arts and Technology focused on developing demand-driven workforce training solutions for a clean economy through the Sectoral Workforce Solutions Program (SWSP). As a result of this investment, C2R2 has launched Quick Train Canada, offering microcredentials from select accredited institutions across Canada targeted at upgrading skills in crucial sectors targeted at Canada’s low-carbon economy – all at no cost to learners.
“The transition to the new low-carbon economy will demand a well-trained workforce and Canada’s colleges and aligned institutions are well-equipped to develop and deliver the programs to prepare people for those exciting new careers,” said Ron J. McKerlie, President and CEO of Mohawk College, where C2R2’s administration and secretariat are managed. “The Canadian Colleges for a Resilient Recovery coalition has developed Quick Train Canada to provide Canadians with a direct link to thousands of training and research opportunities to help Canadians access good jobs. We are excited to support the transition to the low carbon economy while fostering inclusion, diversity, and equity throughout the process.”
Quick Train Canada provides Canadian workers and employers with options to update skills quickly, increasing job security and participation as Canada’s economy transitions to more sustainable, low-carbon practices.
Whether students are experienced tradespersons upgrading their skills to adapt to evolving green construction techniques, new graduates improving their understanding of sustainable manufacturing, or those planning for future clean-tech or electric vehicle-focused job opportunities, the comprehensive offering of courses provides flexible, targeted upskill opportunities for all Canadians.
The available microcredentials are offered in various formats, including hybrid, in-person, online at your own pace, or online scheduled, allowing learners to participate in courses that best suit their schedule. Over 25 microcredentials are available for Canadians to register, with additional ones added regularly. More courses will be added in Spring/Summer 2023 and further for next fall and into winter 2024.